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    Three Reasons You Keep Looking For Your Next Diet

    You may feel like a crazy person, but here’s the truth

    When people talk to me about their relationship with food, they tell me they’ve tried every diet out there. They list them off to me like state capitols. We’ve all heard of them and visited a few of them ourselves.

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    Episode 26- What to Do Instead of Stepping on the Scale

    Weighing yourself to measure your progress can be a slippery slope. Depending on the number you see, your food choices may change. You may want to celebrate. Or punish yourself. You may feel defeated.

    This can make eating intuitively and in partnership with you body very difficult. Listen in for how you can create a way to evaluate your progress in a way that works for you! 

    Listen on Hungry: Trust Your Body. Free Your Mind. here.

    Hi! I’m Tara. I grew up dieting. I started eating emotionally when I was 12. 

    I spent decades trying to figure out why I couldn’t stay in control of food. In my early 30’s, I started practicing yoga and meditating. 

    And then I found Intuitive Eating. That’s when my relationship with food started to change. I stopped bingeing so often. I became mindful and tuned into my body when I ate. I took myself off the rollercoaster of dieting and woke myself up from the trance of emotional eating. 

    That’s when I realized all of my struggles were for a reason. I found my way to trust my body and feel free around food so I could guide passionate women like you to do the same. 

    Along the way, I’ve become a yoga teacher, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, Reiki Master, and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. I incorporate mindfulness and energy healing when I work with clients. 

    I know your relationship with food and your body may feel painful and frustrating right now. Please know this. There is a way you can return to ease and sanity around food.