Be Where Your Feet Are

I love the way my son's old football coach encouraged his players to be present.

There are so many enticing thoughts that grab our mind’s attention.

We plan for the future; the day ahead, the week ahead, the year ahead. I love to plan, so I find that my mind enjoys fast-forwarding.

I also notice how I worry. If you're like me, worrying can sweep you up and take you away, if you're not mindful around it. Each concern can build energy and take up more and more space in your head.

Worrying can feel addicting when you don't realize you have a choice to worry or not.

I also notice how sometimes I rehash old events and ask myself, “How could that have gone better?”

There is nothing wrong when our mind is somewhere else.

But, it just means we aren't tuned into what's happening at the moment. Our thoughts are just thoughts, an interpretation or narrative.

When our mind is focused on the moment, we get to engage all of our senses and experience the moment fully. We can listen to sounds, smell the air, and connect with sensations in our bodies. This is the sweet spot where we can be most in tune to ourselves and our inner wisdom and creativity.

My best ideas come when I'm present and grounded. It's also when I naturally feel the most relaxed.

As a leader, you're juggling an overwhelming amount of ideas and responsibilities.

How do you use mindfulness to help you become more effective? Or to simply enjoy the moment you’re in?