Do You Avoid Speaking Up In Meetings?

Do you want to post your ideas on social media, but something always holds you back?

Years ago, my first business coach advised me to start blogging and sending a weekly newsletter. All of my doubts and fears flooded in. “I have nothing to say.” “People will think this is stupid, that I'm stupid.” “What if they disagree with me?”

I was feeling like an imposter.

Who was I to speak up and share my ideas?
What if people realized I didn't know what I was talking about?

I created some strategies to work through this, like detaching myself from people’s reaction to my writing. How others responded was outside of my control. I also got clear around why I wanted to write; it made me a better writer. That clarity trumped my inner-critic.

Working through the experience of being an imposter isn't about crushing your fears or forcing yourself to do something you don't feel safe doing.

And, there is a cost. Not speaking up and sharing your ideas, whether it's in a conference room or on Linked In, hurts. It hurts to not be heard and dampen your expression. It hurts your career when you fly under the radar. It hurts your organization when you stay silent instead of challenging the status quo. 

Not speaking up and flying under the radar are common responses to feeling like an imposter. This is normal. And, it doesn't need to hold you back.