This is Safe Visibility

Last week, I decided to take a bit of a risk. After my morning meditation, I was inspired to share my thoughts on being in the present moment. 

Just as I was about to post on LinkedIn, I thought “how about sharing a picture of me?”. It was an early hour and I was in my workout clothes without a shower. So I cozied up to my office mate and king of house, Remy (my 14 year old burmese mountain dog mix).  And took this picture…. 

I asked my husband for his input. When I’m about to take a risk, no matter how small, it’s nice to know that someone close to me will have my back. He gave me the thumbs up. 

I posted it. And noticed immediately that I had an eye sleepy (aka sleep crust) on my cheek. Ha, ha! Of course there was. 

We are told to show our professional, put together self. We’re told to look the part.

When I scroll through social media and see really put together women, I feel stifled. The idea of only showing the world a beautifully manicured, made up and well dressed version of me feels exhausting. 

Which is why I shared the raw and real me with Remy. I thought, will people take me seriously? Will they think less than me? 

I know why it felt uncomfortable. I’m going against everything I’ve been taught on how to show up. 

This is how practicing safe visibility works. You…

  • Don’t force yourself out there. You let inspiration lead you. 

  • Gather your support. 

  • Give yourself permission to take small risks and expect it will feel uncomfortable. 

  • Let it be messy. 

  • Celebrate yourself for showing up.

  • Choose to do it again.

This is important because when I allow myself to be safely visible, I give you permission to do the same. 

Are you ready to share your inspiration? professional expertise? organization? thought leadership? 

If so, practice safe visibility so you can be seen and share yourself without stress or duress.