Episode #118: The Final Episode! The Importance of Closure, Unexpected Outcomes and What Happens When You Trust Yourself

This is the final episode of the podcast!

Tara shares her big takeaways from publishing over 100 episodes, including why closure is so important, some unexpected outcomes from the podcast and what happened when she trusted herself and the energy she was noticing.

Tara also shares her initial plans for what's next and her vision for her next podcast. 

Episode #116: Improving Health Without Focusing on the Scale With Adrien Paczosa

Adrien Paczosa believes that dietetic care with a health at every size approach should be accessible and affordable nationwide. Thanks to her vision, she founded Nourish, a virtual-first nutrition group with affordable access to nutrition care.  

On the podcast, we talked about how focusing on body weight only creates harmful weight cycling, how every diet and diet book should have a warning that weight cycling is harmful to your health, and why everyone should be offered the option to define health for themselves because it’s a personal definition. We also talked about incorporating other ways of improving health into daily habits, without the focus on weight loss. 

Learn more about Nourish here. www.UseNourish.com

Connect with Nourish and Adrien on Social



Episode #114: How to Survive New Year Diet Commercials

Diet and weight loss commercials are in full force in the holiday season and it can feel pretty overwhelming.

On the podcast, Tara shares why this is happening and offers some concrete strategies with media, social media and in your relationships on how to set boundaries so you can continue along your non-diet and intuitive eating practices with more peace and ease. 

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