
Episode #96: Intuitive Eating and the Latinx Community with Dr. Hortencia Jimenez

Dr. Hortencia Jimenez is a pioneer in bringing intuitive eating and healing to the Latinx community by centering on important challenges like food insecurity and the labeling of foods native to the Latinx community as unhealthy. 

On the podcast, Dr. Jimenez shares the grieving of her paternal grandmother, the one she immigrated with to the United States when she was a young child, her vision for bringing healing with intuitive eating to the Latinx community, and why she fell in love with sociology because it gave her the words to explain her experience as an undocumented citizen. Dr. Jimenez also shares how diet culture and discrimination is impacting the Latinx community because of food insecurity and the messages that food that is native to the Latinx community is unhealthy. 

Dr. Hortencia Jimenez is of huichol ancestry, she was born in the Sierra Madre in the state of Nayarit, Mexico.  She holds a BA, MA, and Ph.D. in Sociology and is also a certified Health Coach. She is a contributing expert for UnDiet Your Mind app, a community-based app where members can work on their UnDieting journey in a safe and supportive HAES, non-diet and Intuitive Eating aligned space. 

You can follow her at @drhortenciajimenez


Episode #80: Feminism and Body Image with Melanie Klein

On the podcast, Melanie Klein, writer, speaker and professor of Sociology and Gender/Women’s Studies, shares how understanding systems and constructs like sexism, diet culture, the patriarchy and white supremacy were pivotal in helping her move from blaming herself for how she felt about her body and not seeing any other choice but pursue a thinner body, to palpable relief. Now, Melanie answers the call to share her knowledge and expertise to help folks come to a place of body neutrality and acceptance so they can feel empowered. 

Melanie recommended reading: 

Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks

Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by bell hooks

Learn more about Melanie and the books she’s published here: 


Connect with Melanie here: 

IG: @melmelklein @ybicoalition

Episode #74: Healing Pain and Embracing Your Body’s Wisdom with Dr. Kimberly Higney

Dr. Kimberly Higney, a chiropractor specializing in natural hormonal health, personally knows what it’s like to turn her attention away from her body’s wisdom and what it’s like to honor it. In this conversation, Dr. Kimberly drops some amazing truth bombs that will land in your heart and fill you with relief. 

Dr. Kimberly and I talked about practicing self-compassion when understanding that we have patterns that served us at one point in our lives and those patterns may no longer serve us. We talked about what it’s like to number all emotions, not just the unwanted ones, and how to be with our body when we are in pain. Dr. Kimberly offers some advice on how to find nourishment in all areas of our lives, including what information we receive. We also discussed fear and love, and how to be curious when considering our choices. 

Dr. Kimberly is the owner of Cardea on the Seacoast of New Hampshire. 

Follow Dr. Kimberly on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/cardea_seacoast/